Academic Based Preschool – Why It Works

There are many choices for selecting preschool for your child, academic based preschool emulates and prepares your child for elementary school
Fun art activity at Sherman Oaks preschool

The Benefits of an Academic-Based Preschool, and Why it Works

The first years of a child’s life are often the most important. By age three, almost eighty percent of their brains are developed, and even more importantly, they head off to preschool.  There are many choices when it comes to choosing a preschool. It is important to take tike and select a preschool that will be a good fit for your child. Parents should learn about different teaching foundations and styles of curriculum. Selecting an academic based preschool will prepare your child for what’s ahead and will emulate elementary school structure and teaching methods.

We invite you to visit ABC Little Schools.

Pre-K Learning


Although starting preschool for the first time may seem scary, staff at ABC Little School are entrusted with guaranteeing every child receives the best possible experience. It is achieved through forming relationships with other students and their families. At ABC Little School, we pride ourselves in creating distinguished academic environment for our students and hold ourselves to the highest standards of excellence within each and every classroom.

In preschool, pre-math and pre-literacy skills are introduced. Children are taught numbers and letters, but it is taught in a way that is appealing to children at that age. Children sing the alphabet song while following along in a picture book or learn rhymes and chants, which help them to notice the distinct sounds within words. Teachers read stories to children to encourage their listening, comprehension, and expressive language skills. Matching games, sorting games and counting games build children’s understanding of numbers, and sequences. Putting puzzles together encourages children to notice patterns and to work on problem-solving skills. These cognitive skills prove prevalent within children’s first few years of their academic careers, and ABC Little School perfectly provides each child with the necessary abilities to not only succeed in a classroom setting, but also contextually learn each new topic at hand.

Types of Preschool Philosophies

Academic philosophies vary throughout different schools. For one, renowned programs like Reggio Emilia leave children with the choice to pursue whatever they want inside the classroom. Their interests and simple desires precede traditional learning, creating a path ultimately paved by the students themselves. Similarly, the Montessori method involves, “self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning”. Although this gives the students creative freedom and expression, often, children gravitate towards toys and crayons rather than books and addition tables. What may seem like the freedom of choice may lead to children falling behind in their following years of schooling. The foundations for a well-rounded student are constructed during the child’s years at preschool and placing an emphasis on academics ensures the child enters their following school career with the tools they need to succeed.


To summarize, academic philosophies throughout schools differ drastically. Most programs offer self-guided academic environments, which can be detrimental to your child. Building a strong academic foundation for your child is crucial to their development and success throughout their early schooling years, and an academic-heavy environment would boost your child’s tendency for triumph later on. At ABC Little School, every teacher and faculty member prides themselves in creating such an accomplished and awarded classroom setting, one you would definitely trust with your ever-growing, blossoming child.